REMOTE - Students will be expected to log into the class at a specified day/time (e.g., MW 8-9:15am).
ONLINE - Students are permitted to log into the class whenever they are available to complete coursework.
HYBRID - Students are expected to attend in-person class meetings AND to complete online instruction.
100% IN-PERSON - Students are expected to attend in-person class meetings only.
OPEN - Seats are available; you may enroll in the section via MyCerritos
CLOSED - No seats currently available; if you are interested in adding the class, you may click on the Instructor name to send an email request
CONTACT INSTRUCTOR - Class has already begun; if you are interested in adding the class, you may click on the Instructor name to send an email request
WAIT LIST - No seats currently available; you may add yourself to the wait list via MyCerritos if you are interested in adding the class
A&P 120 Intro Human Anat & Phys 4.0 Units
Prerequisite: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" (More) (Expand All)
Prerequisite: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S.
This course is designed as a survey of human anatomy and physiology. It covers the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology including a survey of the tissues, organ systems, and principal anatomical features. Emphasis is also placed on integrated organ system physiology, human genetics and development. (This course is designed primarily for non-biology majors.)
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC*
*UC credit limits may apply. A&P 120, A&P 150 and A&P 151 combined: maximum credit, one course. A&P 120, A&P 150, A&P 151,A&P 200 and A&P 201 combined: maximum credit, 2 courses. (Less)
Class | Times | Days | Room | Seats | Wait | Status | Instructor | Type | Hours |
| Six Week B6 M-Th Session (7/7/2025 - 8/14/2025) |
30640 | 9:30am | 11:40am | M Tu W Th | S 129 | 7 | | Open | Tamminga, S | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | |
Auto | 11:50am | 2:00pm | M Tu W Th | S 129 | | | | Tamminga, S | Laboratory | 54 | Course Materials | |
A&P 150 Intro To Human Anatomy 4.0 Units
Recommendation: A&P 120 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass". (More)
Recommendation: A&P 120 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course examines the gross and microscopic anatomy of the human body using a systems approach. The course is designed for pre-nursing students; however, it also meets the needs of other allied health programs and physical education programs.
Transfer Credit: CSU;UC*
*UC credit limits may apply. A&P 120, A&P 150 and A&P 151 combined: maximum credit, one course. A&P 120, A&P 150, A&P 151, A&P 200 and A&P 201 combined: maximum credit, 2 courses.
C-ID: BIOL 110B (Less)
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100S or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass."
Class | Times | Days | Room | Seats | Wait | Status | Instructor | Type | Hours |
| Six Week A6 M-Th Session (5/27/2025 - 7/3/2025) |
30642 | 12:00pm | 2:15pm | M Tu W Th | S 103 | 1 | | Open | Babiar, R | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | |
Auto | 9:30am | 11:50am | M Tu W Th | S 129 | | | | Babiar, R | Laboratory | 54 | Course Materials | |
A&P 151 Intro To Human Physiology 4.0 Units
Recommendation: CHEM 100 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass". (More)
Recommendation: CHEM 100 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
This course studies the normal functioning and integration of the organ systems in the human body. Homeostatic imbalances of many systems are examined. The course is designed for pre-nursing students; however, it also meets the needs of the allied health programs and physical education program.
Transfer Credit: CSU;UC*
*UC credit limits may apply. A&P 120, A&P 150 and A&P 151 combined: maximum credit, one course. A&P 120, A&P 150, A&P 151, A&P 200 and A&P 201 combined: maximum credit, 2 courses.
C-ID: BIOL 120B (Less)
Prerequisite: A&P 150 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass".
Class | Times | Days | Room | Seats | Wait | Status | Instructor | Type | Hours |
| Six Week B6 M-Th Session (7/7/2025 - 8/14/2025) |
30644 | 9:00am | 11:10am | M Tu W Th | S 127 | 6 | | Open | Yi, M | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | |
Auto | 11:20am | 1:30pm | M Tu W Th | S 127 | | | | Yi, M | Laboratory | 54 | Course Materials | |