REMOTE - Students will be expected to log into the class at a specified day/time (e.g., MW 8-9:15am).
ONLINE - Students are permitted to log into the class whenever they are available to complete coursework.
HYBRID - Students are expected to attend in-person class meetings AND to complete online instruction.
100% IN-PERSON - Students are expected to attend in-person class meetings only.
OPEN - Seats are available; you may enroll in the section via MyCerritos
CLOSED - No seats currently available; if you are interested in adding the class, you may click on the Instructor name to send an email request
CONTACT INSTRUCTOR - Class has already begun; if you are interested in adding the class, you may click on the Instructor name to send an email request
WAIT LIST - No seats currently available; you may add yourself to the wait list via MyCerritos if you are interested in adding the class
BIOL 105 Humans and the Environment 3.0 Units
Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" (More) (Expand All)
Recommendation: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S.
This course is designed to help both science and nonscience majors to develop a better scientific understanding of important environmental problems facing the world today. The nature and implications of subjects such as loss of genetic variability, pollution problems, overpopulation, and the use and abuse of natural resources, will be studied. There will be an emphasis on the interrelatedness of these problems and how an understanding of environmental principles can help us to live on this planet more intelligently and more successfully.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (Less)
Class | Times | Days | Room | Seats | Wait | Status | Instructor | Type | Hours |
| Six Week A6 M-Th Session (5/27/2025 - 7/3/2025) | 30646 | 9:00am | 11:15am | M Tu W Th | S 202 | 55 | | Open | Reyes, J | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | |
BIOL 115 Marine Biology 3.0 UnitsThis introductory course in marine biology is concerned with the adaptations, ecological relationships, (More) This introductory course in marine biology is concerned with the adaptations, ecological relationships, economic importance, and identification of marine animals and plants. Emphasis is on the intertidal and offshore communities of California with frequent field trips to observe live specimens and study the marine environment.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (Less)
Class | Times | Days | Room | Seats | Wait | Status | Instructor | Type | Hours |
| Six Week A7 M,T,W Session (5/27/2025 - 7/2/2025) | 31147 | 12:00pm | 1:50pm | M Tu W | S 127 | 26 | | Open | Reyes, J | Lecture | 36 | Course Materials | | Auto | 2:00pm | 5:00pm | M Tu W | S 127 | | | | Reyes, J | Laboratory | 54 | Course Materials | |
BIOL 120 Intro To Biological Sci 4.0 UnitsPrerequisite: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" (More) Prerequisite: Courses taught at the level of Introduction to College Composition with a grade of "C" or higher or "Pass" or equivalent or appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S.
This course is designed for non-biological science majors. It covers basic principles of life science, including cellular biology, the plant and animal kingdoms, ecology, genetics, and evolution. Emphasis is also placed on human biology as it relates to everyday living.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC*
*UC credit limits may apply. No credit for BIOL 120 if taken after 200. (Less)