REMOTE - Students will be expected to log into the class at a specified day/time (e.g., MW 8-9:15am).
ONLINE - Students are permitted to log into the class whenever they are available to complete coursework.
HYBRID - Students are expected to attend in-person class meetings AND to complete online instruction.
100% IN-PERSON - Students are expected to attend in-person class meetings only.
OPEN - Seats are available; you may enroll in the section via MyCerritos
CLOSED - No seats currently available; if you are interested in adding the class, you may click on the Instructor name to send an email request
CONTACT INSTRUCTOR - Class has already begun; if you are interested in adding the class, you may click on the Instructor name to send an email request
WAIT LIST - No seats currently available; you may add yourself to the wait list via MyCerritos if you are interested in adding the class
COUN 200 Success College and Career 3.0 Units
Recommendation: Appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility (More) (Expand All)
Recommendation: Appropriate placement based on the college’s multiple measures process with eligibility for ENG 100 or ENGL 100S or ESL 152.
This course will provide students with knowledge, information, and skills to better understand themselves as students, people, and members of the working world. It will assist them to establish life, career, educational, and personal goals and to develop plans and strategies to successfully meet those goals. (Formerly CG 200)
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (Less)
Class | Times | Days | Room | Seats | Wait | Status | Instructor | Type | Hours |
| Six Week A6 M-Th Session (5/27/2025 - 7/3/2025) | 30032 | 10:00am | 11:50am | Tu W | K 201 | 0 | | Closed | Chew, H | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | Athletes Hybrid Course | | Note: Student-Athletes can enroll in this Counseling class by getting a permission code from an Athletic Counselor; (More) Note: Student-Athletes can enroll in this Counseling class by getting a permission code from an Athletic Counselor; This is a HYBRID class. Student-Athletes will be required to attend both online and in-person components. In-person class meetings will be on Tuesday & Wednesday's 10:00-11:50am AND the remainder of class hours will be conducted online. Students will complete coursework in CANVAS, which will require internet access. (Less)
| Fee: Course materials 28.00 |
30033 | | | | ONLINE | 4 | | Open | Herrera, V | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | Online Course | | Note: This class meets fully online, and all coursework is submitted on Canvas. At the start of class, you (More) Note: This class meets fully online, and all coursework is submitted on Canvas. At the start of class, you must have regular access to a computer or other an internet-enabled device. You must log in to the course and complete orientation assignments to avoid being dropped. (Less)
| Fee: Course materials 28.00 |
| Six Week B6 M-Th Session (7/7/2025 - 8/14/2025) | 30031 | 9:00am | 11:50am | W Th | LA103 | 0 | | Closed | Hurtado, H | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | EOPS Hybrid Course Zero textbook costs | | Note: Schedule EOPS summer bridge students must attend in-person on Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9-11:50am & (More) Note: Schedule EOPS summer bridge students must attend in-person on Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9-11:50am & utilize Canvas online to communicate and submit their work. This course will be paired with an EOPS English 100 class. To access a permission code to register, contact 562-860-2451 ext. 2398 or email (Less)
| Fee: Course materials 28.00 |
30034 | 11:00am | 1:00pm | M Th | MP213 | 28 | | Open | Romero, G | Lecture | 54 | Course Materials | Hybrid Course | | Note: This is a HYBRID Class. Students will be required to attend both online and in-person components. In-person (More) Note: This is a HYBRID Class. Students will be required to attend both online and in-person components. In-person class meetings will be on Monday and Thursday from 11:00am to 1:00pm and the remainder of class hours will be conducted online. Students will complete coursework in CANVAS, which requires internet access. (Less)
| Fee: Course materials 28.00 |